Meeting the Family…

Well it occurs to me now that I haven’t actually posted any pictures of myself or my lovely roommate, Cathrine, so I plan to rectify that today 🙂 Last weekend, Cathrine’s parents were nice enough to invite me to their family day at Tivoli and I hadn’t actually been to the amusement park here before, which made it incredibly exciting on two accounts!

Me and Cathrine :)
Me and Cathrine 🙂
On the Ferris Wheel!!
On the Ferris Wheel!!

Cat and the Grand PrixHer mom is the nicest person ever and I also met her aunt and grandmother for the first time. Her brother, Casper, and her cousin were also there and I’d been lucky enough to meet them both a couple times before. Her cousin also brought her 3 year old daughter (who was by far the most excited of all of us to be at Tivoli) and she was the most precious thing ever! Being only 3 meant she didn’t speak a word of English because they don’t start learning it until the age of 7 or 8 but she was so adorable and her actions certainly told me where she wanted to go next (like wanting to use her own allowance to buy a ladybug balloon or going on the carousel again).

All the members of Cathrine’s family live in different areas of Denmark now but most aren’t more than an hour or two away by train and they whole family is very close-knit. I love that even when family members move into the city or across the country, everyone is still close enough to remain a tightly-knit family!

Tivoli Up HighAs for Tivoli, I thought it was the coolest place. They kept asking me how it compared to American theme parks and continuously said they knew it wasn’t nearly as grand – which I suppose was true in the sense that it wasn’t as big or really on the same scale as, say, Disneyland. But honestly, I thought it suited Copenhagen perfectly. All the booths were multicolored just like their buildings are here and the gardens are green and beautiful like everywhere in Denmark. And the absolute best part for me was the fact that all of the roller coasters were at the same height as the rooftops and I find European rooftops so much more fascinating than American ones. The city really looked beautiful from the top of the rides and I totally felt like I was weaving through the numerous Danish rooftops as the coasters zig zagged across their tracks.

Tivoli is so gorgeous at night
Tivoli is so gorgeous at night
All the lights coming on is really something to see
All the lights coming on is really something to see

In short, Tivoli was so much fun! The cotton candy three times the size of my head didn’t hurt either 😉 and to wrap up the perfect afternoon, Casper insisted that he, Cathrine, and I take one of those silly costume photos! Hope you find it as hilarious as I do!

Cathrine and I have gotten very close ;)
Cathrine and I have gotten very close 😉

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